Publicists, Manifesto Pushers, Propagandists | What Happened to the Avant-Garde?

hannah baer

It’s commonplace to note that sociopolitical upheaval and artistic experimentation often flourish side by side. But today — despite an alleged “polycrisis” — new modes of cultural production don’t seem to be emerging. Three years after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent George Floyd rebellion, the arts seem stagnant and stubbornly centralized: franchise fare dominates at the box office; literary output is hampered by monopolized publishers; even...

A Skeptic at Church

hannah baer

Over the last four years, everyone I know in New York started going to poetry readings. Not occasionally, but all the time. People who aren’t even poets started sharing work at poetry readings regularly (myself included). Notably, there is no particular school of poetics to which the trend adheres. People go, sit, and try to pay attention to whatever is read. Attention is important, because these readings can be dreadfully...